FREE Unlock Calm Workbook

Quick & easy techniques designed for managing anxiety & stress.

Grab your FREE Unlock Calm Workbook

Quick & easy techniques designed for managing anxiety & stress.


I'm Hannah Michalak,
I'm a mum, nutritionist, yoga / breathwork teacher & social influncer.


With the proliferation of short-form content cluttering our minds and ultra-processed foods burdening our bodies, it's hardly surprising that rates of anxiety disorders and acute health issues are increasing year on year.


At times, escaping these influences might seem impossible, but I firmly believe there's a way out.


By nourishing our minds and bodies with what they genuinely need, we can create lasting positive changes for ourselves and for others & to prove it, I created GlowState.

Free unlock calm workbook

Anxiety SOS



FREE workbook

How to stop your mind spiralling out of control with one simple 60 second breath work technique (Plus 13 other powerful tips)

FREE workbook

How to stop your mind spiralling out of control with one simple 60 second breath work technique (Plus 13 other powerful tips)

Write Your Own Definition of Success (and Build an Action Plan for Living It Out)

Write Your Own Definition of Success (and Build an Action Plan for Living It Out)

How my Anxiety Detox course has helped thousands of people all over the world manage their anxiety and stress in a natural way

Join a community of remarkable individuals.

By aligning five key elements, I guide my students to a place of balance, soothe their nervous systems, and help them effortlessly manage anxiety.


This approach is just the beginning for Glowstate, as it not only cultivates peace but also strengthens their connection to their physical and emotional health.

Courses, Supplements, & Coffee for Mind & Body

Recent sponsors

Glowstate supplements

Apple Cider Vinega Complex +

Discover the incredible benefits of apple cider vinegar, a timeless natural remedy, and how it can promote both mental and physical health.

The Power Of Turmeric

Learn the astonishing ways in which the ancient spice can enhance both mental and physical well-being.

Brain Boost Formula

Sharpen Your Focus, Ignite Your Energy, Elevate Your Mood, Enhance Your Memory with this incredible brain boosting supplement.